Utopian Hotline

Presenter Materials

Creative Team

Conceived and Developed By, Theater Mitu

Directed By, Ruben Polendo

Developed at, Mitu580

In partnership with, SETI Institute Arizona State University’s Interplanetary Initiative Brooklyn Independent Middle School

Created by, Kayla Asbell, Denis Butkus, Cinthia Chen, Alex Hawthorn, Scott Jumawan-Spahr, MichaelLittig, Dima Mikhayel Matta, Justin Nestor, Rubén Polendo, Monica Sanborn, Corey Sullivan,Isabella Uzcátegui, Ada Westfall



Per Presenter

Pre Hang

Day 1

Lighting Hang/RoughFocus + Projection Screen Rigging

Projector Hang/Rough Focus

Scenic install +Onstage Audio Install

Refine Lighting Focus + Adjust LX cueing / TestIEMs/Headphones/House-system

Video Focus / Mapping + Networking / System Testing

Day 2

Complete Audience Headphone Setup

Tech / Cue to Cue


Day 3

Run- Through

Day 4

Dress Rehearsal

First Performance


4 Performers

Technical Director

CompanyManager/Stage Manager

1 Director (select engagements)

1 Assistant Technical Director (select engagements)

Total 6-8

Performance History

  • MITU580, Brooklyn, NY, USA | September 2021 — Premiere

  • ASU's MIX Center, Mesa, AZ, USA | October 2022

  • National Theatre, Manama, Bahrain | January 2023

Utopian Hotline: 646-694-8050

Utopian Hotline: 646-694-8050