Sleeping Beauty Wakes
Sleeping Beauty Wakes, is a delightful modern-day twist on the classic Grimm’s fairytale.
In Sleeping Beauty Wakes, a desperate father brings his sleeping daughter to a sleep disorder clinic, and soon all the patients find themselves sharing a familiar dream. With beguiling characters, hypnotic lyrics, and a rocking score, Sleeping Beauty Wakes delves into the magical space between dreaming and waking in an unexpected twist on a classic tale.
Creative Team
Rachel Sheinkin, Book
Brendan Milburn, Music
Valarie Vigoda, Lyrics
Developmental History
Kirk Douglas Theater (Los Angeles, CA)
Co-production with Deaf West and Center Theatre Group*
McCarter Theatre Center (Princeton, NJ)
La Jolla Playhouse (La Jolla, CA)
*winner of the Los Angeles Ovation Award for Best World Premiere Musical